Missing from the DUP Cabin: A Mission Journal by Lars H Johnson, Mission to Denmark 1891, is missing from the DUP Cabin at the Park. If anyone has seen this or has possession of it, please contact Debra Fabry at 435-799-6984 or Shirlee Hendrickson at 435-279-8461.
Disc Golf Course
We now have a disc golf course at the park. It is located on the east and south sides of the park. We would like to give a big THANK YOU to Chandler Christensen for suggesting this idea and for his efforts to get the course designed and installed. At the time of this post, … Read more
Ditch users are responsible for cleaning and repairing the laterals they water off from. Please make sure laterals are clean so the water can flow properly through the ditches. Bear River City Council Members and personnel are not responsible for disputes between users on a ditch. Users are encouraged to work out problems with each … Read more
Encroachment upon public streets be fences, buildings, vehicles, farm equipment, farm products, or other items of personal property continuously for a period greater than ten days is prohibited. Please help keep our city looking nice and the streets clear for mowing, snow plowing, and utility work.
Please do not park vehicles, RVs, etc close to intersections. This obstructs the driver’s ability to see oncoming traffic. Driver’s need to be able to see traffic so they can pull out safely.
Building Permits
Please remember building permits are required for remodeling, some fences, sheds, electrical work, plumbing, some landscaping, etc. Building permits are a requirement passed by the Utah State Legislature in 1989. You can pick up a building permit at the Bear River City Office during regular business hours.
Garbage Fees
This is to let Bear River City residents know that Econowaste is now charging the City a $25 fee to deliver, pick up or exchange any cans. If you schedule with the City for a can to be delivered, picked up, or exchanged there will be a $25 fee added to your monthly bill.
Fencing Regulations
Fences, Walls, Hedges, and/or Shrubs are hereafter referred to as “fence”. Fence height shall be measured from natural grade to the highest point of the fence. Measurement shall be taken within two feet of the fence on either side. If the natural grade is undulating along the fence line and the property owner desires a … Read more