Street Light Outages

Street light outages nee dot be reported to Rocky Mountain Power. You can report it online ( or by phone (1-888-221-7070). You will need to know the street address of the street light or the number of the light pole.


Ditch users are responsible for cleaning and repairing the laterals they water off from. Please make sure laterals are clean so the water can flow properly through the ditches. Bear River City Council Members and personnel are not responsible for disputes between users on a ditch. Users are encouraged to work out problems with each … Read more

Playground Announcement

Please join us on Friday May 24th from 4-6pm for an introduction to a few playgrounds that are being considered for our park. There is no immediate timeline for this project, but understanding what the community wants is a crucial step in planning for the future. You will be able to vote for your favorite. … Read more

Rodeo Arena

We are blessed to have a nice rodeo arena in town. As of recent, we have had complaints that people are abusing the use of the arena. For the most part, those causing the problems are not members of our community. For this reason, we have decided to put locks on the access gates that … Read more

City Ordinance

Click on the PDF file to view the city ordinance regarding the compensation of elected officials of Bear River City.